PTFS Route Planner for ATC24

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is this application for?

This application uses the A* pathfinding algorithm to find the best route of waypoints to follow for your flight.

How do I use the application?

Select a start waypoint and a goal waypoint from the dropdown menus, then click "Find Path" to find the best route.

How do I know what waypoint I need to start and end?

EzyDubbs has made a really good enroute waypoint chart which you can use here.

Are SIDS and STARS available to use for the route?

At this point, there is no implementation for SIDS and STARS. This may be a feature available in the future, but the wide arrange of charts available makes it a lot harder to add.

Who made this?

This route planner was made by Efteman1.